Evaluation of Needs and Possibilities to Change the Requirements in the Regulations Regarding the Possibility of Observing the Surroundings in the N1 Vehicles.

Olejnik, K.

The lack of information from the surroundings of the vehicle is one of the reasons of collisions and accidents. There is a radical limitation of unobstructed observation of the whole area surrounding trucks of N1 categoryin comparison to the car of M1 category. Vehicles which have the same body and which are designed to transport people - M1 category or load - N1 category, they have different equipment, such as side glazing and back walls. Those who are driving these vehicles do not have comparable and identical visibility. Technical progress and development in the area of visual transfer devices helps their use in the vehicles in order to improve the possibility of observing the surroundings of the vehicle. There is an important need to change the regulation as far as construction and vehicles equipment is concerned. The regulation should compel the vehicles manufacturers to ensure such construction of the vehicle that the driver will have a possibility of observing the surrounding of vehicle in the range of scope andplacement visible area would be comparable to the car. Setting this kind of requirement will force the producers to ensure visibility from the trucks comparable to that of cars. This will help avoid collisions and accidents which are caused by the substantial limitation of the possibility to observe the surrounding of the vehicle. These facts speak for the necessity and need of changes to the regulations. This paper offers the change of the philosophy of the regulations requirements in the area of visibility. The novelty is the definition of the needs and possibilities of changes in the regulations concerning visual transfer for trucks. There is no reason to tolerate the worse visual transfer in the vehicles N1 category. It is possible and is imperative to introduce regulations which will obligate the vehicles manufacturers to equip trucks in such a way that the possibility of observing the surroundings will be the same as in the passenger car version. The full text of this paper may be found at: http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pdf/esv/esv21/09-0399.pdf For the covering abstract see ITRD E145407.


Library number
C 50122 (In: C 49887 CD-ROM) /91 / ITRD E145747

In: Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Stuttgart, Germany, June 15-18, 2009, Pp.

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