Evaluation of preparation for the IAM advanced driving test : summary report Phase 1. Report prepared for the Institute of Advanced Motorists IAM.

Hopkin, J. & Sykes, W.

This is a report of research into the impact on car drivers of preparing for the IAM advanced test. The objectives were to: * Examine the impact of the test preparation on driver safety and attitudes to safe driving; * Identify impacts that could be used by the IAM to promote wider participation. * Identify any differences between groups of drivers in terms of impact; * Explore the extent to which impacts are long-lasting. The study complements previous work by Brunel University which assessed the impacts of IAM advanced driving preparation on a small group of drivers. The study found that IAM coaching significantly improved drivers’ attitudes, skills and knowledge; nine key areas of driver behaviour were found to have improved in a systematic way. In contrast, a comparable group of drivers who received no coaching were found to perform erratically. As a further step towards evaluating the effectiveness of the IAM advanced driver test preparation, this project was commissioned to examine the effects on attitudes, self-reported behaviour and perceived impacts on driving among a large sample of drivers who had been through the process of preparing for the IAM advanced driving test. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20121246 ST [electronic version only]

Reading, Jean Hopkin Research Services and Independent Social Research, 2012, 37 p., 3 ref.

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