Ex-post evaluation of social legislation in road transport and its enforcement : final report.

Windisch, E. Gibson, G. Loehr, E. Rass-Masson, N. Meura, L. Morel, S. Markowska, A. Pastori, E. & Sitran, A.

This ex-post evaluation covers Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods, Directive 2002/15/EC on mobile workers’ working time and Directive 2006/22/EC on enforcement requirements for Member States. These pieces of legislation form part of the EU road transport social legislation. The results show that the legislation remains a relevant tool to address risks of distortions of competition in the transport market as well as deterioration in working conditions of drivers and in road safety levels. However, due to ongoing differences in the interpretation and enforcement of the rules, as well as some unclear and inconsistent provisions, which do not reflect the market and sector developments and lead to non-compliance with the rules in force, the objectives of the legislation are not entirely and cost-effectively achieved. Concerning working conditions, not all risk factors are (adequately) addressed by the legislation. Factors such as long periods away from home, time pressure, inadequate resting facilities, performance-based payments, as well as complex, and sometimes illicit employment practices have adverse effects on drivers’ working conditions and can contribute to increased infringement levels. The impact of the legislation on road safety cannot be discerned. However, consulted stakeholders mostly believe that its effect has been positive or at least neutral. The authors recommend measures that further harmonise enforcement systems, improve the clarity and enforceability of the rules and better address the challenges faced by the sector, taking into account the market developments and changes in the employment structure. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20170163 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), 2016, 482 p., ref.; Study contract no. MOVE/D3/2014-256 / Catalogue number MI-04-16-476-EN-N - ISBN 978-92-79-58997-3

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