Executive workbook. Submitted to the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) for NCHRP Project 20-86 : attracting, recruiting, and retaining skilled staff for transportation system operations and management/

ICF Interntaional & Venner Consulting, Inc.

The purpose of this project was to provide transportation agencies with strategies and resources to meet their needs for attracting, recruiting, and retaining transportation System Operations and Management (SOM) staff. The research described herein considers the potential supply and demand for SOM skills and staffing; the actions transportation agencies may take to attract, recruit, develop, and retain skilled staff with SOM capabilities; and the tools that are available or may be developed to assist agencies in attracting and recruiting skilled staff in this area. SOM draws on the knowledge of many disciplines—including, for example, traffic engineering, intelligent transportation systems, maintenance, emergency response and incident management, traffic operations, traffic safety, performance measurement, and system planning—applied in a comprehensive approach to increase the efficiency and safety of the transportation system. SOM encompasses interactions among transportation modes and between the transportation system and other functions such as emergency management, public safety, and outreach. This Executive Workbook provides a resource that can serve as a reference when working to improve the attraction, recruitment, and retention of SOM employees. Thus, the workbook focuses on the recommendations and summarizes the associated action plans identified through this project. Given that every organization is unique, the authors suggest that HR professionals tailor the provided action plans for the specific needs of their agency. Whenever possible, they also suggest consulting the original sources referenced in the action plans if more detailed guidance is necessary. The project methodology and a more detailed review of each of the challenges, trends, recommendations, and action plans are provided in NCHRP Report 693 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 182, which are both available at http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/166342.aspx. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20120617 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, [2012], III + [36] p., ref.

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