Experiments regarding safety measures for pedestrian and cyclist in interactions with cars on main roads in built-up areas.

Towliat, M.

This project involved the creation of 30km/h zones in areas where pedestrians and cyclists come into close contact with motorists, such as at junctions and pedestrian/cycle crossings. A large-scale demonstration project was established at several sites in Denmark. Structural measures used include road cushions, carriageway narrowings, handrails and lighting columns. Active information measures include using intelligent transport systems to automatically detect vulnerable road users and warn motorists of their presence. Before and after studies of experimental and control sites were evaluated. Theories of pedestrian and cyclist behaviour are described. It is considered desirable that no group of road users should have priority over another at a junction or crossing and that accidents may be prevented by reducing speed. Preliminary results from the studies showed that vehicle speeds were reduced at about 30km/h, that serious conflicts between motorists and vulnerable road users decreased, that motorists were more inclined to give way, and pedestrians considered crossings to be safer and more convenient. For the covering abstract see ITRD E123863.

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Library number
C 30570 (In: C 30567 [electronic version only]) /85 /83 /82 /71 / ITRD E123866

In: Traffic calming : from analysis to solutions : proceedings of an extraordinary Workshop of ICTCT, New Delhi, India, March 2nd & 3rd 2000, p. 47-59, 20 ref.

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