Factors affecting vehicle skids : a basis for wet weather speed zoning.

Weaver, G.D. Hankins, K.D. & Ivey, D.L.

This report includes an assimilation of findings from various related skid research efforts to form a basis for equating the available friction at a site to the expected friction demand for selected maneuvers. The report presents curves to determine the critical speed for hydroplaning; stopping, cornering, passing, and emergency correction maneuvers; and combined maneuvers. A process is recommended by which wet weather speed zoning may be implemented at selected sites. A design process to establish wet weather speed limits is discussed. (See also B 2723).

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Library number
B 2847 /23/83/ IRRD 206505

College Station, TX, Texas Transportation Institute TTI, 1973, 60 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Research Report No. 135- 2 F / NTIS PB-220367

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