Factors associated with fatal and injurious car crash among learner drivers in New South Wales, Australia.

Lam, L.T.

This exploratory study investigated factors associated with car crash injury among learner drivers across difference ages by using data routinely collected by the NSW police. The results obtained indicated that some factors are commonly associated with car crash injury across nearly all ages. On the other hand, some others are more age specific. On the whole, female learner drivers were more at risk of being killed or injured as compared to males. The drivers of 16 years old had an increased risk of crash injury due to environmental factors, such as special road feature, and distraction outside the vehicle. The increased risk of crash injury for older drivers (greater than or equal to 25 years) was associated with distractions from both inside and outside vehicle. Night time driving posed a special risk to learner drivers aged 20-24 years old, but not other age groups. Speeding was a common factor for the increased risk of crash injury across all age groups. The implication of the results and limitations of the study were discussed. (Author/publisher).

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Library number
I E117706 /83 / ITRD E117706

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2003 /05. 35(3) Pp333-40 (30 Refs.)

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