Fatal distraction : a case series of fatal fall-asleep road accidents and their medicolegal outcomes.

Desai, A.V. Ellis, E. Wheatley, J.R. & Grunstein, R.R.

Obstructive sleep apnoea is associated with an increased risk of sleep-related motor vehicle accidents. Seven recent legal cases of fatal motor vehicle accidents on NSW roads are presented, where the driver who caused the accident was suffering from an unrecognised or under-treated sleep disorder. The legal outcomes in these cases were variable: some of the drivers have been acquitted and others have been jailed. All remained licensed to drive immediately after their accidents. In some of the cases, the driver was cleared of any culpable driving offence because of a defence of sleepiness or a sleep attack without warning ("Jiminez defence"). This appears at odds with current medical research and legal opinion in other countries. More research is needed to understand the relation between sleep disorders and awareness of sleepiness. Medical practitioners need to be aware of current advice and guidelines with respect to obstructive sleep apnoea and driving. (Author/publisher)

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C 24978 [electronic version only]

The Medical Journal of Australia, Vol. 178 (2003), No. 8 (21 April), p. 396-399, 19 ref.

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