Fietsvoorzieningen op weggedeelten binnen de bebouwde kom. I: Onderzoekopzet en literatuuroverzicht.

Welleman, A.G.

During the last years the use of the bicycle is stimulated by the government as well as consumer groups. A consequence of such a policy is the need of more space for the cyclists. To realise this policy knowledge is wanted for a number of aspects divided into four main groups: operational aspects, costs, environmental aspects and traffic safety, On the latten not enough; knowledge is available, a set up for research into bicycle provisions on road sections within built-up areas is presented and the results of a literature review on this subject are discussed.


Library number
B 21291 [electronic version only] /21 /82 / IRRD 265960

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1982, 46 p. + app., graph.,tab., ref.; R-82-25

SWOV publication

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