Financial analysis of traffic court collections in Ada County, Idaho.

Burrell, D.

In Ada County, Idaho, a collection problem existed for traffic court cases, but no one knew the full extent of the outstanding receivables or the court's collection rate. The District Court in Ada County conducted a research project, which calcualted the approximate cost to the taxpayers for nonpaying traffic infraction offenders, the outstanding accounts receivables for 1991 through 1995, and the corresponding unearned interest. The results were eye-opening and reinforced the importance for all courts to monitor financial reports on a regular basis, to be aware of the revenue-generating potential of a strong collection program, and to avoid assuming that collections are at an acceptable level. (A)

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971573 ST [electronic version only]

Justice System Journal, Vol. 19 (1997), No. 1 (January-April), p. 101-116, 4 ref.

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