Flächenhafte Verkehrsberuhigung in Holland

Planungskonzept und Ergebnisse der Vorher-Nachher- Untersuchungen in Eindhoven und Rijswijk. Beitrag 3. Kolloquium Forschungsvorhaben Flächenhafte Verkehrsberuhigung, Dienstag den 1. October 1985, Reichstagsgebäude, Berlin.
Kraay, J.H.

The road network was classified and each during the seventies studies were made on the reclassification and reconstruction of dutch urban areas with the aim of improving the quality of life. One of the most important studies was a demonstration project in two dutch cities; eindhoven and rijswijk Rigorous measures were taken for traffic restraint, to keep away the rat-run traffic in residential areas and to improve the type of highway was reconstructed for its typical function. The measures for the main roads were taken in order to provide better traffic flow with a priority for public transport. In addition, measures were taken to improve the safety of different road users e.g. cycle tracks, pedestrian crossings, speed humps, light controlled junctions etc. The report gives an overview of the measures and their effects on traffic safety.


Library number
B 24549 [electronic version only] /72/21/82/ IRRD 287679

Leidschendam, Forschungsgesellschaft für Verkehrssicherheit SWOV, 1985, 31 p., 7 ref.; R-85-29

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