The "genetics" of driving behavior: parentsÆ driving style predicts their childrenÆs driving style.

Bianchi, A. & Summala, H.

It can be hypothesized that children inherit their parents' driving habits both through genetic disposition and model learning. A few studies have shown indeed that parents' and their children's traffic convictions and accidents correlate which, however, may be due to life style and other exposure factors. This study aimed at investigating the relationships between parents' and their children's self-reported driving behavior. The subjects were 174 parent-child pairs who independently completed a questionnaire. Driving behaviour - driving style - was evaluated by means of Manchester driver behavior questionnaire (DBQ), while data about driving exposure, life style, accidents, and traffic tickets were also collected. A series of regression models indicated that parents' self-reported driving behavior explains their children's respective self-reported behavior, even when exposure and demographic and life-style factors are controlled. (A) "Reprinted with permission from Elsevier".

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Library number
I E122371 /83 / ITRD E122371

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2004 /07. 36(4) Pp655-9 (34 Refs.)

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