GENMOD: het Amsterdamse verkeers- en vervoersmodel.

le Clercq, F. Brohm, K.A. Capellen van Walsum, J.J. van & Veen, Y. van

The GENMOD model has been developed for purposes of transportation analysis and planning, and also aims to obtain a tool for the planning of infrastructure as part of urban system. Some ways are presented to apply the model, on the one hand for short term projection, as a corrected extrapolation of observed transportation patterns, and on the other hand for long term purposes.

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Library number
B 17754 (In: B 17751 [electronic version only]) /71/ IRRD 252261

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1979 : vervoersstudies, -modellen en methoden : verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 26 en 27 april 1979, p. 161-228, fig., tab., ref.

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