Globale analyse van de geraamde verkeersongevallencijfers over geheel 1978. Consult ten behoeve van de Permanente Contactgroep Verkeersveiligheid (PCGV) (Subgroep Statistiek).


An analysis is given of accident statistics of 1978 in the Netherlands. The decrease in the number of fatalities in 1978 compared with 1977 is mainly due to a decrease of fatalities outside build-up areas of vehicle occupants of "fast" traffic, and secondly a decrease of fatalities inside build-up areas in the past six months of 1978 among the slow traffic, in particular for cyclists and moped-riders.


Library number
B 16367 [electronic version only] /81.3 / IRRD 247448

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek SWOV, 1979, 15 p.; R-79-23

SWOV publication

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