Goederenvervoer en leefmilieu. Inventarisatie van emissies en verstoring door goederenvervoer.

Bouman.P.A. Kluit, P.J.L. Schoemaker, T.J.H. & Waard, J. van der.

Freight transport is an important derivation of the economic society of today. However, this freight transport is also a source of emission and disturbance which can not be looked over qua magnitude. For some materials the emission produced by freight transport is even bigger than by personal trans- port. This study calculates which part of the damage to the environment can be assigned to freight transport to get solutions for a better and environment friendly freight transport.

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Library number
B 30349 /93 / IRRD 832985

Delft, Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit der Civiele Techniek, Vakgroep Verkeer, 1990, 196 p., 21 ref. Rapport No. VK- 6401- 301.

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