Guidebook for freight policy, planning and programming in small- and medium-sized metropolitan areas.

Cambridge Systematics TransManagement TransTech Management & Heanue, K.

Under this NCHRP Project a research team carried out a comprehensive investigation into current and effective practices considering freight in the policy, planning, priority programming, and project development activities undertaken in small- and medium-sized metropolitan areas. The project resulted in a practical handbook designed to provide users with substantial information. develop and tailor freight planning within the transportation planning processes of these This report may be accessed by Internet users at metropolitan areas. The guidebook includes : (1) an introduction providing a brief background on the importance of freight transportation planning for small- and medium-sized metropolitan areas; (2) instructions for the effective use of the guidebook; (3) a “Getting Started” module with a self-assessment exercise, evaluation steps to assess the nature of freight planning in the area, and identification of the appropriate mix of activities that can best achieve freight planning goals in the area; (4) specific guidance to stimulate freight policy, planning, and programming activities within established MPO program functions, including long-range planning, transportation improvement programming, and unified planning work program development; (5) a comprehensive list of sequential steps that can be taken to establish an effective freight transportation planning program; and, (6) a freight reference module that includes data and analytical tools, training resources, case studies, available freight research, and freight glossary references. The guidebook should be of significant use to managers, practitioners, and decision-makers interested in addressing freight within the planning processes of small- and medium-sized metropolitan areas. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20070805 ST S [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 2007, [189] p.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP Report 570 / Project 8-47 - ISSN 0077-5614 / ISBN 978-0-309-09873-1

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