Guidebook for understanding urban goods movement.

Rhodes, S.S. Berndt, M. Bingham, P. Bryan, J. Cherrett, T.J. Plumeau, P. & Weisbrod, R.

This guidebook is designed to help facilitate decisions that accommodate and expedite urban goods movement while minimizing the environmental impact and community consequences of goods movement. The guidebook and cases studies are designed to help decision makers better understand the potential impacts of their urban goods movement decisions on transportation infrastructure and operations; land use and site design; and laws, regulations, and ordinances applicable to urban areas. The guidebook includes case studies that explore how urban supply chains connect to the urban economy, infrastructure, and land use patterns; their impacts on land use codes and regulations governing metropolitan goods movement of private-sector freight providers; and planning strategies for potentially improving mobility and access for goods movements in urban areas. The print version of the NCFRP Report 14 includes a CD-ROM that includes a report and appendices on the process that developed the guidebook, and two PowerPoint presentations with speaker notes that transportation planners may use to help explain how local decision makers might enhance mobility and access for goods movement in their area. The CD-ROM is also available for download as an ISO image at (Author/publisher)


Library number
20120692 ST S

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB / National Academy of Sciences, 2012, 107 p. + CD-ROM, 17 ref.; National Cooperative Freight Research Program NCFRP Report 14 / Project NCFRP-15A - ISSN 1947-5659 / ISBN 978-0-309-21387-5

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