Handhaving van verkeersregels in Nederland : inventarisatie van handhavingsmethoden : ervaringen in Nederland.

Goldenbeld, C.

The central question posed by this report is: (1) which enforcement methods have been successfully applied by the Dutch police; and (2) what advantages and disadvantages are associated with these various methods. For this purpose, an inventory was made of both official and unofficial reports concerning projects, experiments and experiences with police enforcement in the Netherlands. The report describes three project categories: (i) General enforcement campaigns in the field of driving while under the influence of alcohol, speeding offences or failure to use the seat belt, where police enforcement forms part of a campaign. The initiative for these campaigns is often taken by the Regional Organisations for Road safety (ROVs) or by broadly based project groups; (ii) Enforcement projects performed and evaluated by the police themselves; and (iii) Typical research projects where the method, intensity, realisation and locations of police enforcement are geared where possible to the requirements of the study. The report concludes that study conducted to date still offers insufficient indications about the cost/benefit aspects of the various enforcement methods.


Library number
C 2835 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 866218

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 160 p., 125 ref.; R-93-66

SWOV publication

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