
In the 1980s hazardous wastes are everyone's concern. For the transportation planner, hazardous wastes have become a significant factor in the location and expansion of roadways and other transportation facilities. In order to examine the issue of potential hazardous waste problems, a preliminary screening study should be undertaken at the initial planning or location study phase. the goal of such a study is to identify the potential for hazardous waste problems witha view to their avoidance, which is the optimal solution from a transportation planning viewpoint. Although the data review and surfacefield investigation are an important part of a preliminary screening study, they gnerally fail to address the historic profile of landuse adequately. In order to determine the potential of hazardous waste contamination from historic land uses, an important supplementalstep in the preliminary screening process is to carry out a computerized aerial photographic (cap) analysis, which is a powerful tool for looking into the past and has proved to be a very accurate predictor of hazardous waste contamination. When the cleanup of a hazardous waste site becomes necessary, there are two basic components to the design: a remedial investigation and a feasibility study. There are four special features unique to cleanup activities at hazardous waste sites. These include the need for a quality assurance-qualtiy control (qa/qc) program, a health-and-safety plan, an emergency and contingency plan, and an ongoing monitoring program. The extensive requirements of hazardous waste site cleanups only reinforce the need for identification early in the planning phases of a transportation project so that, wherever possible, hazardous waste contamination problems can be avoided. This paper appeared in transportation researchrecord no. 1148, hazardous materials transportation, work-zone traffic control, and traffic marking materials. For covering abstract see irrd no 818401.

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I 818411 IRRD 8902

TRANSP RES REC WASHINGTON D.C. USA U0361-1981 V0 309 04657 2 SERIAL 1987 1148 PAG:62-7 T

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