Heavy trucks: the dynamics of change.

Sweatman, P.F.

The design, useage and regulation of heavy trucks is changing rapidly. The road community must keep abreast of these changes and arrb research plays a vital role in investigating dynamic truck characteristics in the areas of road wear and safety. Findings in the areas of load, load distribution, suspensions and tyres and their effects on road wear and efficiency are described. An overall view of truck safety and the importance of vehicle braking, geometric performance, dynamic stability, trailing fidelity and ride quality is presented. Arrb provides services to industry and government authorities in the areas of suspension rating, truck stability evaluation, truck ride quality rating and pavement response to load. It is concluded that this research has allowed truck size and weight regulation and cost recovery to become more appropriate and responsive to a rapidly changing industry. (Author/publisher) For the covering record of the symposium, see IRRD No 808826.

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Library number
C 33635 (In: C 33628 MF) [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 808833

In: 26th ARRB regional symposium, Bunbury, Western Australia, 1988 : program and papers, p. 91-103, 16 ref.

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