Helsingin kaupungin ja vakuutusyhtioiden liikenneturvallisuustoimikunnan onnettomuusrekisterien vertailu. (Comparison between the traffic accident registers of the city of Helsinki and the Traffic Safety Committee of Insurance Companies. )

Kulmala, R.

The comparison between the traffic accident registers of the city of helsinki and the traffic safety committee of insurance companies (valt) was based on accidents that took place in helsinki in 1980. The study was made as a distribution comparison both for all accidents and fatal or injury accidents. A total of 3575 traffic accidents occurred in helsinki according to the city's own register and 12067 accidents according to valt's register. Thus valt's register contains information of a 3.4 times greater number of accidents. The corresponding ratio in a national comparison was 2.5 in 1980. About 1.5 times as many fatal or injury accidents took place in helsinki according to valt's register (1124) compared to helsinki's register (772). The difference in the number of fatal or injury accidents is partly due to the registers' differing definitions of an injury.

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Library number
B 15608 /81 / IRRD 272459

Espoo, Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus (Technical Research Centre of Finland), 1983, 28 p., 4 ref.; VTT Tiedotteita 8/1981 - ISSN 0358-5085 / ISBN 951-38-1689-3

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