Het fixeren van de helm aan het hoofd, een idee fixe? : voorbereiding van een onderzoek en de resultaten van de pilotstudie in en rond 's-Gravenhage en Amsterdam.

Huijbers, J.J.W. Arnoldus, J.G. & Verhoef, P.J.G.

In many moped or motorcycle accidents the crash helmet was got detached during the accident. The percentages mentioned in the literature vary from 7 to 36. The studies was described in the literature were mostly in depth, at the scene, but in such studies it is difficult to determine the cause of the getting detached of the helmet. Therefore a new method for research by interviews was chosen. This report describes the new method and presents the main results.


Library number
B 24538 [electronic version only] /83/91/ IRRD 287669

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1985, 57 p., 10 fig., 2 tab., 16 ref.; R-85-14

SWOV publication

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