Het gebruik van geneesmiddelen en drugs door verkeersdeelnemers en het effect op de verkeersveiligheid

een (aanvullende) literatuurstudie met het doel het inzicht in de omvang van geneesmiddelen- en drugsgebruik door verkeersdeelnemers in Nederland en het effect daarvan op de betrokkenheid bij ongevallen te vergroten.
Vis, A.A.

It has been known for a long time, mainly from experimental research, that the use of some prescribed drugs, particularly when they affect the central nervous system, can have a negative effect on different aspects and skills important for the execution of complicated tasks, like for example, the driving task. It is therefore plausible that by the use of such drugs the driving performance and indirectly also the traffic safety can be influenced negatively. In the last time some signals were given indicating the effect of the increasing use of prescribed drugs on traffic safety. Therefore a literature review is made in which emphasis is given on the extent of the use by road users and the possible effect on traffic safety of such drugs (see IRRD 829520 / B 29965). In the present report the effects of prescribed drugs on accidents are discussed. They are the result of epidemiological research. Together with another literature report (see IRRD 828575 / B 29724) these reports are the basis for the research mentioned in IRRD 829516 (B 29961).


Library number
B 29959 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 829514

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1989, 120 p., 71 ref.; R-89-35

SWOV publication

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