Het gedrag van lichtmasten bij aanrijdingen door personenauto's en de consequenties daarvan. Bijdrage SWOV-congres Toekomst in veiligheid, gehouden op 18 mei 1976 in het Internationaal Congrescentrum RAI te Amsterdam.

Schoon, C.C.

Impact tests between cars and different kinds of lighting columns are studied. Lighting poles from steel, aluminium or polyester with varying heights, were tested. Some of them had frangible joints. Horizontal, vertical and lateral decelerations of the car were registered. These values are applied for the calculation of the Acceleration Severity Index. If the Values of this Index are lower than one, the vehicle occupants will have no severe injury.


Library number
B 6595 [electronic version only] /82/85/

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1976, 9 p.; R-76-27

SWOV publication

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