High risk offenders' reconviction patterns. Prepared for the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions DTLR, Road Safety Division.

Broughton, J.

The High Risk Offender (HRO) Scheme covers those drink/drive offenders whose offences suggest that they pose particular risks to other road users. The consequence of being an HRO is that the driving licence is not reissued automatically at the end of the disqualification period, as occurs with most other types of offender. Instead, an HRO must apply for a new licence, and one will only be issued following a positive medical assessment. This report extends the analyses of data from the driver licence file of the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) that were made during a previous project. The earlier research classified HROs into three types, based on the nature of the offence committed. The classification is extended in the current project to take account of an HRO's previous history of drink/drive convictions. This extension of the classification proved capable of identifying a group of HROs with especially high risk of reoffending. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 21933 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E112368

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2002, IV + 22 p., 7 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 524 - ISSN 0968-4107

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