Home Office and ACPO traffic outline requirements and specification for automatic traffic enforcement systems.

Lewis, S.R.

This document provides guidance to industry on Home Office and ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) requirements for future automated traffic enforcement systems. The proposed system comprises road side sites equipped with unmanned traffic enforcement equipment which detect and record data to be used as evidence of a traffic offence. The sites are connected over a data network to a central Offence Viewing and Decision System (OVDS). The document specifies standards for the quality of electronic images to be used and the data protection needed to ensure full acceptance of the evidence by the courts. This is of paramount importance. For use over a public data network, data protection modelled on current practice in the financial sector is required. The OVDS provides an image data base and easy to use facilities for viewing the offences. Its operations, which include vehicle keeper enquiries made to the Police National Computer or DVLA's data base, are listed. The system is required to provide for electronic data transfer to systems used for processing fixed penalty offences. (Author/publisher) For the full text see http://scienceandresearch.homeoffice.gov.uk/

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Library number
C 47597 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 493097

London, Home Office, Police Policy Directorate, Police Scientific Development Branch (PSDB), 1996, VI + 9 p.; PSDB Publication No. 3/96

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