How to help an older driver : a guide for planning safe transportation.


The statistics show that older drivers become more crash-prone with age, even though they drive less. The crash rate per mile driven rises steadily for drivers 65 and older, and those drivers are involved in more crashes per mile driven than any other age group except teenagers. And because older drivers are more fragile, their fatality rates are 17 times higher than those of 25- to 64-year-olds. For those with older drivers in their family, the question is: How can you preserve your loved ones' personal freedom and mobility, while ensuring that they're not a hazard to themselves and others on the road? Unfortunately, there is no single, easy answer. Family circumstances, as well as individual skills, vary. This booklet provides a framework as you search together for answers. It also suggests resources to turn to along the way. Above all, your search should be guided by three basic principles: (1) Understand each individual's strengths and weaknesses; (2) Communicate openly and respectfully; and (3) Plan early.

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Library number
C 29474 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E822262

Washington, D.C., American Automobile Association AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 2000, 32 p.

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