Human-computer interactions: research challenges for in-vehicle technology

Rakotonirainy, A.

In-vehicle technology introduces new safety and usability constraints that challenge existing Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) approaches. Too often HCI and ITS research approaches isolate the study of interactions - between human and in-vehicle computers - from the rest of activities in which the driver is involved. The authors main assumption is that in-vehicle interactions activities are intrinsically linked with the setting in which they occur. Such interactions are often unpredictable and volatile. To date, there appears to have been little research examining design principles that describes how in-vehicle technology interactions manifest in the driving environment and how they can coherently blend into other drivers' activities. This paper explores research challenges that need to be addressed in order to determine how in-vehicle technology can be safely and seamlessly used in cars. The authors present a set of design principles for in-vehicle technology that exploit drivers' preferences, abilities, needs, physical and social settings. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210298.

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Library number
C 29151 (In: C 29121 CD-ROM) /91 / ITRD E210328

In: Proceedings of the 2003 Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2003, Sydney, Australia, 24-26 September 2003, Pp

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