Hvor rasjonell er trafikksikkerhetspolotikken ? : en analyse av investeringsprogrammet på Norsk Veg- og Vegtrafikkplan [= The rationality of road safety policy in Norway]. Dissertation Oslo.

Elvik, R.

Normative theory of rational choice is applied in an analysis of public road safety policy in Norway, focusing on road investments. It is concluded that the present policy is not fully rational. Research needs and potential policy reforms are outlined. At the same time the limitations of normative rational choice theory are stressed. (A)

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Library number
C 3340 /10 / IRRD 861059

Oslo, Institute of Transport Economics TOI, 1993, XIII + 400 p., 610 ref.; TOI Report ; No. 175/1993 - ISSN 0802-0175 / ISBN 82-7133-793-9

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