ICT-Based Communication Patterns and Their Correlation to Activity and Mobility Patterns.

Nobis, C. & Lenz, B.

New media like the internet and cell phones have the potential to substantially alter economic and social life. So far, in transportation research the effects of information and communication technologies (ICT) have mainly been analyzed by focusing on e-activities, especially e-shopping and telecommuting. Although these studies allow essential insights, there is still no complete picture that shows how the different parts of the ICT puzzlefit together. As the underlying processes are still not clear, this article attempts to better understand the general interrelation between communication, activity and mobility patterns. Therefore, not single e-activitiesor single devices are regarded. Instead, all ICT devices and all activities are taken into account. The central question is: "How does ICT use correlate with individual travel behavior and activity patterns?" The startingpoint is the classification of different communication types using the first waves data of the German DLR panel on communication and mobility patterns. On the basis of a cluster analysis the results show that four very different communication types can be distinguished. They differ in terms ofboth, the intensity of using ICT and use of particular media. Further analyses using regression models and methods of comparative statistics show that these communication types are clearly correlated with a person's mobility behavior and performance of outdoor activities. All in all, the conclusion is that people develop a very consistent way of communicating, traveling and taking part in society by carrying out different activities. Even though the background of the paper is basic research, some of the results are also interesting for practitioners. Thus, the general linkage between high ICT use and high mobility level strongly emphasizes the possibilitiesthat result for transportation demand management on the basis of new media. With this general perspective, the article sheds light on the topic from another side in order to complement studies looking at a specific form of ICT use.

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Library number
C 45292 (In: C 43862 CD-ROM) /71 / ITRD E844461

In: Compendium of papers CD-ROM 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2008, 22 p.

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