Identification of key risk factors related to serious road injuries and their health impacts. Deliverable 7.4 of the H2020 project SafetyCube (Safety CaUsation, Benefits and Efficiency).

Reed, S. Brown, L. Weijermars, W.A.M. Bos, N.M. Boele, M.J. Korving, H. Jaensch, M. Johannsen, H. Geest, M. van der Pérez, C.E. Martin, J.-L. Bauer, R. & Machata, K.

Because of their high number and slower reduction compared to fatalities, serious road injuries are increasingly being adopted as an additional indicator for road safety, next to fatalities. Reducing the number of serious road injuries is one of the key priorities in the EU road safety programme 2011-2020. In 2013, the EU Member States agreed on the following definition of serious road traffic injuries: a serious road traffic injury is a road traffic casualty with a Maximum AIS level of 3 or higher (MAIS3+). One recommendation created by the EU SUSTAIN project was to conduct "A more detailed study of the causes of serious road injuries, [which] could reveal more specific keys to reduce the number of serious injuries in the EU”. This recommendation is addressed through the identification of crashrelated causation and contributory factors for selected groups of casualties with relatively many MAIS3+ casualties compared to fatalities and groups with a relatively high burden of injury of MAIS3+ casualties. This deliverable is made up of two parts brought together in order to determine the main contributory factors detailed above. This two-step approach initially identifies groups of casualties that are specifically relevant from a serious injury perspective using national level collision and hospital datasets from 6 countries. Following the determination of groups of interest a detailed analysis of the selected groups using indepth data was conducted. On the basis of in-depth data from 4 European countries the main contributory and causal factors are determined for the selected MAIS3+ casualty groups. Alongside the three proceeding deliverables that have formed the major outputs of WP7, deliverable D7.4 is aimed at addressing serious injury policy at an EU levels. As such this report is broadly aimed at policy makers although the inclusion of results from in-depth data analysis also provides information relevant to stakeholders, particularly those working in vehicle design and manufacture or road user behaviour. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20200282 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, 2018, 91 p., ref. ; Grant agreement No 633485 - SafetyCube - H2020-MG-2014-2015/ H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages

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