Identification of methods for truck crash reduction.

Dougherty, K.H. Plate, R.R. Stuefen, R.M. & Tracy, S.L.

In South Dakota, trucks account for a higher percentage of fatalities than other vehicles, indicating when a truck is involved in a crash, fatalities are more likely to occur. In this study, the Business Research Bureau (BRB) of the University of South Dakota reviewed and linked different databases to help determine some of the underlying causes of these crashes. The BRB conducted an extensive literature search and review to locate existing data on truck crashes. Members of the South Dakota Highway Patrol were interviewed, panel style. The members of the Highway Patrol were questioned about crash procedures and existing and potential problems with the existing process. Individuals from the trucking industry were interviewed to determine their perspective on the crash reporting process. The BRB linked the data from the National Governors' Association SAFETYNET database with the Accident Records files for the final quarter of 1995 and the years 1996-1998. Statistical analysis was performed on the linked database. After a review of the linked data, the BRB decided to use only the data from 1996-1998 to assure consistency and completeness. A methodology for performing linkage was prepared and recommendations for database improvement and crash reduction were compiled. Conclusions and recommendations were given to members of the Highway Patrol and trucking industry for review and discussion. Opinions and suggestions of these individuals were taken into consideration and incorporated into final recommendations. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20040210 ST [electronic version only]

Pierre, SD, South Dakota Department of Transportation, 1999, VIII + 128 p.; SD99-05-F

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