Impact injury und craah protection.

Gurdjian, E.S., W.A. Lange, L.M. Patrick a.o. (e.d.)

Tn thia voloma are publiaheJ the pagera gaven at theWayne State l)nivcrsity Symposium on "Impact In jury and CrashProtection". Discuesione by selected participante ara gavenaftar each paper.. 'Phe papers wAU:re gaven in foor parta.Part I dealt witti mechaniams of impact in,jury.Part II deint witti research rnethods in impact injury.,,'art III conaidered tolerunce to impact, whitePart IV dealt witti principles of impact injury migitation.

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Library number
A 5126 S 70. 340.

Springfield (III), Thomas, 1970. 26 cm., 566 blz., Index,foto's, tekn.

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