Impaired vision and accident risks.

Groot, H.A.M. (ed.)

Annex III of Directive 91/439/EEC of 29 July 1991 stipulates the minimum standards of physical and mental fitness for driving licence candidates and -holders. Even though most Member States of the European Community have adopted the minimum standards as described in Annex III of this Directive in their legislation, there still remain large differences between the countries as far as the periodicity and procedures of the medical examination are concerned. On the point of periodicity, eye sight seemed to be the key point. To this item, CIECA organised a workshop together with DG VII of the European Commission. 6 internationally speakers were invited to present outcomes of studies they carried out in the field of impaired vision and accident rates. This report describes the results of the workshop and contains recommendations on the periodicity of eye sight controls. (A)

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991314 ST

Brussels, Commission Internationale des Examens de Conduite Automobile CIECA, 1999, 17 + 46 p., 15 ref. - ISBN 90-76408-06-8

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