Implementing congestion charges : report of the one hundred and fourty seventh Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris, April 2010.

International Transport Forum ITF

The question of how to arrive at a successful introduction of congestion charging schemes is considered with reference to research and experience. Congestion charging schemes in Singapore, Stockholm and London are appraised. Subjects discussed include: the general principles of acceptance; the prime objective of congestion charging; revenues and their use; the operating costs of a congestion charging scheme; value-pricing and area-pricing approaches; parking pricing; and the economics of congestion charging.


Library number
C 50469 [electronic version only] /10 /72 / ITRD E158596

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, 2010, 147 p., ref.; Round Table / ITF ; 147 - ISBN 978-92-821-0284-8

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