The importance customers place on specific service elements of bus rapid transit.

Baltes, M.R.

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a rapidly growing national trend in the provision of public transportation. At present, with more than 150 New Start Rail Projects currently in the FTA pipeline, a wide range of alternatives is necessary to fulfill the demand for cost effective rapid public transportation. As a lower cost, high capacity mode, BRT can serve as an option to help the growing traffic congestion and mobility problems in both urban and non-urban areas. This article presents a statistical analysis of the data from two on-board customer surveys conducted in 2001 of the BRT systems in Miami and Orlando, Florida. Using data from these surveys, the simplest method for measuring the importance that customers place on specific BRT service characteristics is to calculate mean scores for each characteristic using some type of numeric scale. While there are no real discernable drawbacks to this simple method, an alternate technique to measure the importance of each service attribute is to derive the importance of each attribute using STEPWISE regression. This statistical method estimates the importance of each attribute to overall customer satisfaction. The results indicate that customers place a high value on the BRT service characteristics frequency of service, comfort, travel time, and reliability of service.

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Library number
I E828895 /72 / ITRD E828895

Journal of Public Transportation. 2003. 6(4) pp1-19 (2 Fig., 6 Tab., Refs.)

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