Improved highway safety through interactive graphics. Prepared for the 58th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 1979.

Green, D.A.

The 1966 Federal Highway Safety Act required the monitoring of all public roads in an effort to identify hazardous locations and improve highway safety. Key elements of this safety program are an accident data base and the ability to analyze accident data to determine where remedial action is warranted. The traffic and Safety Division of the New York State Department of Transportation is developing a Centralized Local Accident Surveillance System (CLASS) to meet federal requirements, but also to improve highway safety for New York motorists. The details of the CLASS project and the advantages of a program based on an interactive graphics concept are described.

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Library number
B 15111 / 71.2 /

Albany, New York State Department of Transportation, 1978, 23 p., fig., graph., tab. / Also published as: Transportation Research Record. 1979. (729) p. 16-21 (6 Fig., 2 Tab.)

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