Improved street utilization through traffic engineering.


Contents: keynote address, lowell k. Bridwell. Selection, classification, and designation of major street systems, william marston. Improvement priorities - the factual approach, edward m. Hall directional flow improvements on urban streets, john n. Laplante. One-way major arterial streets, john a bruce. Traffic signs, ross t. Shoaf. Pavement markings, harry b. Skinner. Parking restrictions and the curb lane, daniel j. Hanson. Exclusive bus lanes, john n. Laplante. New traffic signals, their effect on street utilization, thomas e. Young. Signal modernization, a. F. Malo. Route signal systems, ellis c. Henry, jr. Signal networks, samuel cass. Simple types of intersection improvements, james e. Wilson. Accident reduction through channelization of complex intersections, john f. Exnicios. Major route improvements, james l. Foley, jr. Relationship of roadway lighting and traffic accidents, matthew c. Sielski. Accident trends in cities and city traffic engineering staff, budgets and responsibilities, david m. Baldwin. Delay and travel time improvements as related to traffic engineering activities, staff, and budget, peter g. Koltnow. Land-use controls, william marston. Local streets, john p. Cavallero, jr. Traffic engineering and community support (cities under 100,000), daniel j. Janson. Community support for traffic engineering, (cities over 100,000), william mcgrath. The traffic engineers relationships with local officials, boards and commissions (cities less than 100,000), delbert f. Karmeier. Traffic engineer-official contract (cities over 100,00), paul w. Rice.

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A 1103 S

Highway Research Board Special Report No 93, 1967, 234 p., 198 ref.

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