Improving the infrastructure for older road users.

Langford, J.

Whether implemented at a system level or in response to specific issues and instances, a number of engineering solutions have been identified to assist in countering older road users' problems. These solutions need to be given high priority in the years ahead and in Australia, a re-working of road design standards to better accommodate the needs of older drivers represents one readily-available response in this area. Currently older drivers and pedestrians face high levels of crash risk, particularly because of the combination of complex road environments and their diminished functional abilities. While current design features are unlikely to be the primary cause of many older driver crashes, design changes to create a more crashworthy and forgiving road environment will have substantial road safety benefits. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208360.

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C 27305 (In: C 27302) /21 /72 /83 / ITRD E208363

In: Mobility and Safety of Older People, Melbourne, Australia, 2002, p. 109-126

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