Improving traffic safety for an ageing society.

Godwin, S.R.

By 2020, the population over age 65 in the USA will grow by an additional 15 million persons, to just over 50 million, and most trips by older persons in the future will be made in private automobiles. Current statistics show that older persons are more likely than middle aged drivers to be involved in a crash per mile driven and more likely to be injured or killed. In order to improve mobility and safety for older persons, a Transportation Research Board (TRB) study completed in 1988 recommended adjustments to highway standards, vehicle design, licensing practices, and provision of alternative means of transportation. The study also noted considerable gaps in knowledge and recommended emphasis on research in biomechanics, human factors, and program evaluation. This paper summarizes the study findings and recommendations to enhance the safety of older persons. (A) For the covering abstract of the conference, see IRRD 837684.


Library number
C 51290 (In: B 30201 [electronic version only]) /83 /91 / IRRD 837743

In: Twelfth International Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 29 - June 1, 1989, Volume 1, p. 91-100

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