Indirecte effecten infrastructuur : aanvulling leidraad OEI.

Oosterhaven, J. Elhorst, J.P. Heyma, A. & Koopmans, C.C.

After the appearance of the so-called OEI-guide, social cost-benefit analysis has become obligatory for all major Dutch infrastructure projects. This article summarises the update of OEI on indirect economic effects. These effects occur when direct transport effects are passed on to non-transport markets. During this process direct transport benefits may decrease or increase when these markets do not work perfectly and/or when borders are crossed. This article discusses the causes of this additionality per market and gives a qualitative estimate of its sign and size in different situations. Furthermore, the article gives an overview of the ability of all Dutch and some international models to estimate the additionality of the indirect economic effects per market and the ability to estimate border-crossing effects. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20050491 ST [electronic version only]

Tijdschrift Vervoerswetenschap, Vol. 41 (2005), No. 1 (maart), p. 2-12, 40 ref.

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