Influence of psychological factors on driver fatigue: towards education of drivers for fatigue management.

Lal, S. & Craig, A.

Task performance and fatigue during driving may be influenced by psychological factors since individuals differ in temperament and anxiety status. Fatigue has also been shown to be associated with changes in brain wave activity. However, research on psychophysiological associations with driver fatigue is scarce. Understanding the psychological links could provide information for educating the driver on fatigue management. Driver fatigue is influenced by psychological factors and reducing anxiety as well as increasing positive mood states may help control fatigue effects. This research provides important psychophysiological information for educating drivers on fatigue management. A future study with greater numbers in both professional and non-professional drivers will confirm the current findings. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208180.

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Library number
C 27284 (In: C 27276 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E208188

In: Developing safer drivers and riders : proceedings national conference on developing safer drivers and riders, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 21 - 23 July 2002, 8 p., 25 ref.

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