The influence of the road and the environment factors in traffic safety : two approaches.

Gunnarsson, S.O.

An interaction model is set for the 3 components: the road user, the vehicle and the road; it also takes into account the traffic environment, the psycho-social situation of the road user, the local, physical environment and the society overall. The basic principle to be used to achieve highway safety is to systematically reduce conflicts and disturbances. In urban and highway planning this can be promoted by a balanced land use organization, traffic, separation of different types of road user, classification of roads and streets and simplicity and uniformity in the design of road elements. Soft design of the road and its surroundings also reduces the consequences of an emergency situation situation or an accident. Sweden has reduced the number of traffic accidents considerably during the last 10-15 years, and its injury rate is one of the lowest in the world. The systematic approach to the improvement of the traffic environment, especially by urban and highway planning measures, has had an important role in reaching this high level of road safety.

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Library number
C 7977 [electronic version only] /72 /82 / IRRD 801017

Göteborg, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Trafikplanering, Arkitektur TACTH, 1986, 11 p., 6 ref.; TACTH Meddelande ; 1986:5 - ISSN 0282-4353

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