Innovative technology for computer-automated bridge inspection process.

Kuo, S.S. Davidson, T.E. Fiji, L.M. & Kerr, R.

A procedure is presented for automated data collection and reporting of bridge deficiencies. The procedure was developed under the sponsorship of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). A computer program for field data collection based on FDOT's Condensed Inspection Report (CIR) was designed for a hand-held computer. The program is used to input condition ratings and generate or edit comments for each bridge element on the CIR. A text-file record of the inspection is stored in the hand-held computer for subsequent uploading to an office-based personal computer (PC) system. Visual information on bridge defects can be recorded with a camcorder or 35-mm camera, or by sketch. The images are digitised and stored on computer disk with an automated system developed for the PC. The PC system uses the JetForm form program to place the images and text-file inspection record onto the cover, CIR, Comprehensive Report of Deficiencies, and image Log forms. The complete bridge inspection reports are saved to computer disks for archiving and for printing final copies on a laser printer. This automated procedure was tested in a FDOT bridge inspection district. Field inspection time was comparable with the conventional method; office time required for completion of reports was significantly reduced. (Author/publisher)


Library number
C 24168 (In: C 24167 S) /60 /10 / IRRD 858459

In: Maintenance of highway structures : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1347, p. 1-10

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