Integraal beleid voor verkeersveiligheid: wat houdt dat eigenlijk in? : een studie naar integraal sectorbeleid en integraal facetbeleid.

Doumen, M.J.A. Schoon, C.C. & Aarts, L.T.

The present report relates of a study into the meaning and scope of the concept ‘integral policy’ within the world of road safety. Integral policy or an integral approach is characterized by the different parties involved at least seeking agreement. The parties also need to be aware of the fact that their actions can have consequences for other parties. The most extensive form of integral cooperation takes place at project level. An integral approach towards problems that affect multiple parties or sectors is no matter of course. If the separate parties independently carry out measures in relation to a joint responsibility, it is called parallel policy. In the most positive case, active knowledge exchange does take place in this situation. The present report, which specifically discusses integral road safety policy, distinguishes between integral sector policy and integral facet policy. Integral sector policy is concerned with the integration of policy within its 'own' road safety sector. Integral facet policy indicates the integration of road safety within other policy areas. In both cases policy eventually is (also) focused on improving road safety.


Library number
C 48646 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2010, 84 p., 83 ref.; R-2010-11

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