The integration of driver information systems.

McMurran, R.

Brief details are given of the ARIADNE (Application of realtime Intelligent Aid for Driving and Navigation Enhancement) project which integrates driver information sources and adaptively controls the flow of information based on an estimation of the driver's workload. An indication is given of the amount of information that is likely to be available to drivers. In the ARIADNE system the information available is combined with an estimate of the driver's experience to decide the driver's workload. This type of adaptive interface was first proposed in the DRIVE 1 project GIDS (Generic Intelligent Driver Support). The architecture of the GIDS system is described and its use in a number of instrumented vehicles and simulators is outlined.

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C 20718 (In: C 20695) /91 / IRRD 866050

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 122-124, 3 ref.

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