Inter-organisational co-operation in improving access to activity centres by public transport.

Heijden, R.E.C.M. van der Elst, A. van der & Veeneman, W.W.

The accessibility to city centres and large attraction parks increasingly becomes an issue of concern for location owners. They seek possibilities to offer transport services as an alternative to car use. In doing so, co-operation with public transport companies is important. These companies do not yet have the culture and opportunities to develop tailor-made services. Institutional changes yielding more market incentives and good information sharing should help to bridge the gaps between these parties. In particular a shared view on the service level to be offered, based on investigation of visitors' preferences, should be the starting point for inter-organisational co-operation. For the covering abstract see ITRD E128239.

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Library number
C 35526 (In: C 35524 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E128241

In: Urban transport VIII : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Seville, Spain, 13-15 March 2002, p. 15-24, 11 ref.

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