Interpretation of roadway designs by an analysis of drivers' visual scanning and driving behaviour on straight and curved roadway sections.

Blaauw, G.J. & Riemersma, J.B.J.

The design of roadways, viaducts, complex roadway inter- sections etc. can be visualized. In addition to the interpretation of the esthetics of the design it may be necessary to analyze possible consequences for the driving and visual scanning behaviour in the final existing roadway section. An attempt is made to give a discussion about problems based on an actual roadway and a request for evaluating roadway designs. Besides the experimental results also general questions about instrumentation and methodology will be discussed.

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Library number
B 6616 S /20/82.1/ IRRD 213412

Soesterberg, TNO Institute for Perception IZF, 1975, 103 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Report No. IZF 1975-C5.

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