Iowa transit coordination policy.

Hallock, P.H.

Iowa has been in the forefront of state efforts to mandate co-ordination of publicly-funded passenger transportation. Iowa has achieved this in part by a policy of channeling all state and federal public transit funds through locally designated transit systems in each substate region and urban area. These designated transit systems are responsible for contracting with other agencies to provide needed client transportation services as part of the public services. Iowa also has legislation requiring agencies who use other public funds to purchase or provide passenger transportation to co-ordinate or consolidate those services with the designated transit systems to the maximum extent feasible. That legislative mandate evolved from a general statement of principle in 1976 to a specific procedural requirement for co-ordination compliance reviews with sanctions for noncompliance in 1984. Implementation of the review process has presented some problems which are currently being addressed on an administrative rules level. Despite the problems, the co-ordination effort is seen to have had a positive impact on the provision of passenger transportation services to the people of the state.

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Library number
C 25876 (In: C 25873 S) IRRD 848360

In: Specialized transportation 1991 : proceedings of a conference, Sarasota, Florida, October 28-31, 1990, Transportation Research Record TRR 1292, p. 12-14

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