Knipperend geel voor voetgangers : voorlopig een avontuur. Bijdrage Syllabus kennis overdrachtbijeenkomsten RVV-1990 en BABW, 27 t/m 30 maart 1990 en 4 april 1990.

Levelt, P.B.M.

Flashing yellow light for pedestrians is considered as an alternative for ignoring red traffic lights by pedestrians. In the governmental policy to decrease the "small" criminal- ity the introduction of flashing yellow for pedestrians has a high priority and therefore to decrease again the respect for red light for other road users. Alternatives as the electronic detection of waiting pedestrians are discussed, and a modification of the traffic regulations is proposed.


Library number
B 30719 [electronic version only] /73 /83 /85 / IRRD 834886

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1990, 13 p.; R-90-23

SWOV publication

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